SL.No. | Particulars | Quantity/ Number |
1. | No. of books available in the library | 9762 |
2. | No. of titles added in this year | 104 |
3. | No. of Magazines / Journals | 50 |
4. | Seating capacity of library students | 60 |
5. | Seating capacity in reference section | 20 |
6. | Seating capacity for teachers | 10 |
7. | No. of comics available (approx.) | 230 |
8. | No. of Newspapers (approx.) | 7 |
SL.No. | No. of Books | Year | Total No. of Books purchased |
1. | 9099 | 2005-06 | 108 |
2. | 9215 | 2006-07 | 116 |
3. | 9329 | 2007-08 | 114 |
4. | 9613 | 2008-09 | 284 |
5. | 9658 | 2009-10 | 45 |
6. | 9762 | 2010-11 | 104 |
Recently library has been made fully computerized and library stocks have been updated. With huge mass of books and consistent addition of new titles round the year, DPS Vindhyanagar library truly reflects the academic dynamism of the school.
- Refereshing, enhancing and enlisting in its collection, it caters to every need of the student and staff of the school.
- DPS Library functions as the hub of all activities in the school; a place where creative ideas can germinate, where exciting innovative experience in learning takes place, where students come joyfully to spend some of their precious time browsing through books in a peaceful, pleasing and inviting atmosphere.
- Library is a rare resource and learning centre where booth students and teachers are exploring new paths of enlightment. It is the most obvious place to develop the habit of life-long reading.
- Library period is perfectly tucked into the routine of each class where students are coming once in a week, to be lost in the sea of books.
- Focal Centre of learning: Although the library is the focal centre of learning in the school, it need to reach out to classroom also.
- Variety of reading Material: For the collection of these books class libraries are interchanged section-wise and new ones are added each year so that the class gets a wide variety of reading material available to them at any time.
- Consisting of select fiction books and reference material under the direct control and supervision of the class teacher and a student librarian of the class.
- Class room libraries are used by students who finish their classwork more quickly than others or when teacher is absent and no other programme can be arranged.
- Open during Holidays: Throughout the vacation and holidays, the library remains open to facilitate reading and referring to books for the academic enhancement of the student.
- Library Projects : Holiday projects, charts, models based on their syllabus are assigned to students every year. Students take the help of the library in preparation of these.
- Library support : CD writer recording are the new trend among students. The library contributes its whole support in this regard.
- Book Fairs : Book fairs are organized by the library from time to time inviting the local publishers to update the knowledge about new arrivals in the market.
- DPS Library helps in inculcating and promoting the reading habits among children.
- Acts as a “storehouse of knowledge” and helps in enhancing its user’s knowledge.
- Helps in refreshing and enriching the students and teachers.
- Provides reference service and other information with the help of ‘Dictionaries’ and ‘Encyclopaedias’ and thus upgrades them.
- Story books, comics etc. provide recreation to the students and also teaches them moral values.
- It helps and guides the students in various inter school and intra school competitions .
- Many new titles / journals are added to the library for their benefit.
- News papers subscribed by the library help the users to know what is going around in the world at a glance.
- Apart from these, DPS library reaches out to classrooms also. We have classroom libraries in each class consisting of the class teacher and a student librarian. These libraries include selected fiction books and reference materials.
- Variety of reading materials: for collecting materials, new titles are added every year. Also class libraries interchange their materials for variety.
- DPS library functions during vacation and holidays also: Throughout the vacations the library remains open to facilitate the students, teacher and also helps them in their holiday projects, models, charts etc.
- DPS Library also organises ‘Book Fairs’ inviting the local publishers to update its users about the new arrivals.
- It also helps the students in albums and CD recordings.
- Inculcating reading habit : The main library and class library provide a wide range and choice to the students. A thorough reading habit is inculcated in them.
- Book Seminar : Library organizes ‘ Book Seminar’ every year for a week from 16th to 23rd April to honour the power of knowledge and inculcate in students, the timeless value of knowledge acquisition . The library organizes a poetry reading session in both English and Hindi to encourage students to love literature.
- Book Day Celebration : Book day is celebrated on 23rd April each year where students, teachers and principal are also held.
- Book donation by students : Class Library is a joint effort with the books provided by the main library and those donated by student.
- Audio Visual Aids: To supplement the printed material, the library has separate section for films slides, maps, photographs, poster, charts, radio, T.V. set, record player, V.C.R & V.C.D, film projector , overhead projector and computer
- New Facets: To give a feel and experience of new age library students are moulded to make use of the new facets of library.
- Multimedia :- To facilitate the dissemination of knowledge among students effectively. Library provides the technical support by offering CD and projectors.
- Students Librarian : Classroom library introduced in each class brings knowledge to their finger tips. Supervised by the class teacher and managed by a student librarian the concept has proved effective.
- Young reading club :- Young reading club has been constituted to groom them to perpetuate the eternal pleasure of reading.
- Periodicals and subscription : A large variety of periodicals are subscribed by the library to cater to the various interests of students.
- Library Focuses : The DPS Vindhyanagar library truly focuses on vibrant academic pulse of the school
- Young reading club and book
- Book seminar, knowledge fests
- Book Day Celebration
India Today (Hindi & English ) | Reader's Digest | Health |
Competition success review | CSR (G.K.) | Developer IQ |
Sportstar | Electronics for you | Cricket |
Jr. Science Refresher | The competition master | Chronicle |
Education Today | Outlook (Hindi & English) | Aha! Zindagi |
Twinkle | Physics for you | Engineers Today Tomorrow |
Chemistry today | Mathematics Today | Competition Science Vision |
Biology Today | Digit | Pratiyogita Darpan (Hindi & English) |
PTA Magazine | Span | Inspirational Quote. |
Science Reporter | The Week (Hindi & English) | Wisdom |
Magic pot | Women's Era | Sarita |
Champak (Hindi & English) | Chandamama (Hindi & English) | Baalhans |
Nandan |
Total Collections we have around 9658 books kept under different sections like : | News Papers The subscribed in the library are : |
These news papers brief the library users about the latest happening in the world. |
Our school library maintains strict rules and regulations regarding the issue / return of books etc. Perfect silence is observed here which gives a perfect reading atmosphere.
The main principle of library is to help the students / teachers to use library more often to encourage them in reading and to a large extent , it has succeeded.
Charts - 21
Equipments - 1840 books
Facilities Extended
- Various books are displayed in an enchanting manner to make the children feel that 'Reading is a pleasure'.
- Various story books peppered with highly coloured illustrations are to make reading a hobby with a purpose.